2024 Murray State University, Murray, KY "The Back of the Moon," cur. T. Michael Martin
2023/4 New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, NJ "Way Finding," cur. Sarah Vogelman
2023 Garage Gallery, Beacon, NY "Creative Destruction," curs. Susan Keiser and Scott Lerman
2021 490 Atlantic, Brooklyn, NY "Fold," cur. Jim Edwards
2021 Garrison Art Center, Garrison, NY "Incarnations," curs. Barbara Smith Gioia and Carinda Swann
2017 New Jersey City University, NJ “A rag, A bone, A hank of hair,” curs. Midori Yoshimoto and Michael Zebrowski
2016 Johnson State College, Johnson, VT “A rag, A bone, A hank of hair,” cur. Michael Zebrowski
2016 Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT “A rag, A bone, A hank of hair II,” cur. Michael Zebrowski
2012 Accola Griefen Gallery, New York, NY “Prey,” curs. Kristen Accola and Kat Griefen
2009 PDX Contemporary Art, Window Project, Portland, OR “Enclosed”
2004 RealForm Project Space, Brooklyn, NY “Window Works,” cur. David Gibson
1997 Mason Gross School of the Arts Galleries, New Brunswick, NJ “Caged Memory”
1997 Elzay Gallery of Art, Ohio Northern University, Ada, OH “Alterations”
1995 Cooper Gallery, Jersey City, NJ “New Work,” cur. Ahn Behrens
2024 Corey Daniels Gallery, Wells, ME "New Prints / New Geometry," curs. Corey Daniels and Phoebe Cole
2024 Zürcher Gallery, New York, NY "100 Women of Spirit," cur. Gwenolee Zürcher
2022 Hunterdon Art Museum, Clinton, NJ “Thread Hijack,” cur. Mary Birmingham
2022 Zürcher Gallery, New York, NY "11 Women of Spirit, Part 6," cur. Gwenolee Zürcher
2022 New Jersey State Museum, NJ "Emergence," curs. Margaret M. O’Reilly and Sarah B. Vogelman
2022 Sam and Adele Golden Gallery at Golden Artist Colors, New Berlin, NY "Made in Paint"
2021 Art Spaces at Krasdale Corporate Headquarters, White Plains, NY "The Essential Line," cur. Kirsten Kucer
2020 William Patterson University, NJ “Ink, Press, Repeat,” cur. Ruth Lingen
2019 Accola Griefen Fine Art, NY “Kin,” curs. Kristen Accola and Kat Griefen
2019 Hudson County Community College, Jersey City, NJ “Pow(h)er,” curs. Michelle Vitale and Kristin De Angelis
2019 Drawing Rooms, Jersey City, NJ “Just Beneath the Surface,” cur. Anne Trauben
2019 Parlour, Jersey City, NJ “As for That,” cur. Roberta Melzl
2019 Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, NJ “New Directions in Fiber Art,” curs. Carol K. Russell and Judy Wukitsch
2018 Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier, VT “it went like this: the skyline was beautiful on fire,” cur. Meg Onli
2017 Novado Gallery, Jersey City, NJ “Black & White,” cur. Anne Novado
2016 Drawing Rooms, Jersey City, NJ “New Drawing New Jersey,” cur. Anne Trauben
2016 The Noyes Museum of Art, Atlantic City, NJ “New Jersey Arts Annual”
2015 Dedee Shattuck Gallery, Westport, MA “Nuanced," cur. Judith Tolnick Champa
2015 New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ “Barely Imagined Beings,” curs. Michelle Doll and Dina Brodsky
2014 Brentwood Arts Exchange, Brentwood, MD “AXIS,” cur. Phil Davis
2013 Trenton City Museum, Trenton, NJ “Paperwork,” curs. Elise Mannella and Gabriel Romeu
2012 Ewing Gallery, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN “Pencil Pushed,” cur. Creighton Michael
2012 Paul Robeson Center for the Arts, Princeton, NJ “Drawing Beyond,” cur. Marsha Levin-Rojer
2012 Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, Summit, NJ “Textility,” curs. Mary Birmingham and Joanne Mattera
2011 Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston, MA “Everything but Paper Prayers”
2011 WOOLPUNK studios, Jersey City, NJ “This End UP,” cur. Michelle Loughlin
2011 Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn “An Uncommon Thread,” curs. Emma Tapley and Paul Caranicus
2010 Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston, MA “Everything but Paper Prayers”
2009 Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston, MA “Everything but Paper Prayers”
2009 Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, Summit, NJ “New Jersey State Council on the Arts Exhibition”
2008 Accola Contemporary, New York, NY “Inaugural Exhibition,” cur. Kristen Accola
2008 Aqua Wynwood with Accola Contemporary, Miami, FL
2008 Pingry School Art Galleries, Martinsville, NJ ”Drawings,” cur. Peter Delman
2008 RealForm Project Space, Brooklyn, NY “Paper in the Wind,” cur. David Gibson
2008 Rupert Ravens Contemporary, Newark, NJ “100 Artists Make Prints,” cur. Judith Brodsky
2007 Metaphor Contemporary Art, Brooklyn, NY “Punch Bowl”
2007 Jersey City Museum, Jersey City, NJ “The Feminine Mystique,” cur. Rocio Aranda-Alvarado
2007 Ernest Rubenstein Gallery, New York, NY “Squared,” cur. David Gibson
2006 New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ “Knots,” curs. Michelle and Brian Loughlin
2006 Art League of Long Island, Dix Hills, NY “Dimension,” curs. Nancy Olivier, Kate Kelly
2006 Bond Gallery, New York, NY “Small Works,” curs. Deb Klowden, Nancy Olivier
2004 L.I.T.M. Jersey City, NJ “4 paint,” cur. Michelle Loughlin
2004 55 Mercer Street Gallery, New York, NY “Slightly Off Center,” cur. Ethelyn Honig
2003 Victory Hall, Jersey City, NJ “Built to Form”
2003 New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, NJ,“100 New Jersey Artists Make Prints,” traveling show, cur. Judith Brodsky
2002 Eyedrum, Atlanta, GA “Transforming,” cur. Jennifer Vanderpool
2002 Gary Snyder Fine Art, New York, NY “500 Works on Paper 1922-2002,” curs. Gary Snyder, Kristen Accola
2001 NJ Center for Visual Arts, Summit, NJ “Making A Mark,” curs. Sheila Stone, Ellen Dennison
2001 The Noyes Museum of Art, Oceanville, NJ “Crossing Boundaries,” curs. Hsiao Tu, Fred Adelson
2000 Hunterdon Museum of Art, Clinton, NJ “New Jersey State Council on the Arts Exhibition”
1999 RCIPP, New Brunswick, NJ “Memories of the Past / Intimations of the Future”
1998 Museo de Art, Santo Domingo, DR “La Linea: Dibujos Contemporaneos,” cur. Alejandro Anreas
1997 Rabbet Gallery, New Brunswick, NJ “Uncoupled”
1995 Jersey City State College, Jersey City, NJ “Private Matter”
1997 Art Center on First Street, Jersey City, NJ “Decadence”
1997 City Without Walls, Newark, NJ “Painting Still Happens,” cur. Stephen Sennott
1997 Westbeth Gallery, New York, NY “Mason Gross School of the Arts MFA Exhibition”
1997 Hunter College Gallery, New York, NY “MFA Rutgers' Artists”
1996 Jersey City Museum, Jersey City, NJ “New Jersey Arts Annual,” curs. Alejandro Anreus, Patricia Cruz
1996 Auckland Institute of Technology, New Zealand “Aggressive Export Project”
1996 City Without Walls, Newark NJ “15th Annual Metro Show,” cur. Stephen Sennott
2023 Virginia Center for Creative Arts
2021 Golden Foundation residency
2019 Vermont Studio Center, VSC fellowship
2018 Vermont Studio Center, partial fellowship
2017 Virginia Center for Creative Arts
2016 Vermont Studio Center, VSC fellowship
2015 Vermont Studio Center, VSC fellowship
2014 Vermont Studio Center, VSC fellowship
2013 Vermont Studio Center, Pollock Krasner fellowship
2012 Virginia Center for Creative Arts
2009 Virginia Center for Creative Arts
2008 New Jersey State Council on the Arts Individual Artist Grant
2006 Vermont Studio Center, VSC fellowship
2005 Virginia Center for Creative Arts, Dodge fellowship
2004 Vermont Studio Center, VSC fellowship
2003 Vermont Studio Center, Dodge fellowship
2003 Virginia Center for Creative Arts, Dodge fellowship
2001 Vermont Studio Center, Dodge fellowship
2000 New Jersey State Council on the Arts Individual Artist Grant
1998 Rutgers Center for Innovative Print and Paper
1997 Austrian Arts Academy summer fellowship
Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture, UT, Knoxville, TN
Connecticut College, CT
Duke University Medical Center, NC
Jersey City Museum, NJ
Montclair Art Museum, NJ
Morris Museum, NJ
Museo de Art Moderno, DR
New Jersey Public Library, NJ
Noyes Museum, NJ
Zimmerli Museum, NJ
Adelson, Fred and Hsiao Tu. Crossing Boundaries, Exh. Cat. 2001.
Anreus, Alejandro. New Jersey Arts Annual, Exh. Cat. 1996.
Aranda-Alvarado. Rocio, The Feminine Mystique, Exh. Cat. 2007-2008.
Behrens, Ahn. “Knots Are Center of Art Show at Jersey City University” The Waterfront Journal, 03-16-06.
Bischoff, Dan. “Mark’ This Exhibition as One to See” The Star Ledger, Friday, 10-16-02 il p.27.
Bischoff, Dan. “Art” Star Leger, Sunday, 09-21-97.
Birmingham, Mary and Joanne Mattera. Textility, Exh. Cat. 2012
Brennan, Michael. Caroline Burton’s compelling in-betweenness, Two Coats of Paint, 03-27-2024
Brodsky, Judith. 100 New Jersey Artists Make Prints, Exh. Cat. 2002.
Cagno, Michael. New Jersey Arts Annual, Exh. Cat. 2016.
Cogswell, David. “Good Timing for a Bad Subject” Hudson Current cover, 07-14-94 il.p.3.
Cubillo, Vanessa A. “NJCU Artists Twisted in (K)nots” The Gothic Times, 03-30-2006.
Deering, Sally. “Power Tools” The Jersey Journal, Friday, 03-24-95.
Dube, Ilene. “Drawing the Line: Wiggly, Squiggly, and Otherwise” U.S.1, 03-14-2012.
Haber, John. “Feminisms in the Singular” Haber Art Reviews, 10-07.
Genocchio, Benjamin. “Knots, in Practice and Theory” The New York Times, Sunday, 03-19-06 il p. 18.
Harrison, Helen. “Sculptures That Don’t Fit the Traditional Definitions” The New York Times, Sunday, 01-22-06.
Juri, Carmen. “Beast Within Bared In Art” The Star Leger, 07-11-94; The Jersey Journal, 08-5-94.
Kelly, Kate. Di-men-shen, Exh. Cat. 2006.
Kennedy-Dyne, Eileen. “Pro-Arts showcase considered, oh, so 'Decadent” The Jersey Journal, 11-18-97.
Kenny, Kay. “New Direction for Hudson Artist” The Jersey Journal, 09-22-95 il.p. E10.
Kirsten Kucer. "The Essential Line" Exh Cat. 2021
Levin-Rojer, Marsha. Drawing Beyond, Exh. Cat. 2012.
Loughlin, Brian. Knots, Exh. Cat. 2006.
McCall, Tris. “Adventures in Embroidery: ‘Thread Hijack’ at Hunterdon Art Museum Shows Consistent Creativity” NJ Arts, 10-27, 2022
McCall, Tris. "Caroline Burton: Way Finding, NJ Arts, 03-08-2024
MacAdam, Barbara, Pencil Pushed, Exh. Cat. 2012
Making A Mark, Five New Jersey Artists, Exh. Cat. 2001.
Mattera, Joanne. Textility, Exh. Cat. 2012.
Nathan, Emily. “Brooklyn Local” Artnet, 01-25-2011.
New Jersey State Council on the Arts Fellowship Exhibition, Exh. Cat. 2007.
New Jersey State Council on the Arts Fellowship Exhibition, Exh. Cat. 2000.
Russell, Carol K. and Judy Wukitsch. New Directions in Fiber Art, Exh. Cat. 2019.
Purcell, Janet. “Artists redefine ‘drawing’ in Princeton arts center exhibition” The Times of Trenton, 04-06-2012.
Riethmiller, Laura. “Exhibit Shows Everyone Has a Different View” ONU Arts Weekly, 01-13-07.
Rooney, Allison. “Blanket Patterns” The Highlands Current, 03-19-2021
Russell, Carol K. and Judy Wukitsch. New Directions in Fiber Art, Exh. Cat. 2019
Tolnick Champa, Judith. Nuanced, Exh. Cat. 2015.
Trauben, Anne and James Pustorino. New Drawing New Jersey, Exh Cat. 2016.
Vogelman, Sarah. Wayfinding, Exh Cat. 2023
Watkins, Eileen. “Six N.J. Museums Co-hosting Arts Festival” The Star Leger, 06-30-96.
Wilkinson, Don. “Be Drawn into Wonder at Shattuck Gallery” South Coast Today, 10-22-2015.
Yaniv, Etty and Sarah Vogelman. Way Finding: Caroline Burton at the New Jersey State Museum, Art Spiel, 03-18-2024
Zürcher, Gwenolee. 100 Women of Spirit, Exh Cat. 2024
Pierogi Flat Files, NY, NY
MFA. Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers, NJ
BFA. Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH